Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Problem of Consciousness

I read an interesting article in Scientific American about consciousness. The nature of consciousness is really bizarre on multiple levels. No one can say for certain what 'consciousness' is - or even what around us has consciousness. Is a bee conscious? A new born baby? Electricity? These might seem like silly questions, but they are valid ones. Is consciousness housed in our brainwaves - or are our brainwaves the 'consciousness'? If the electrical activity in the brain can give rise to consciousness, could the electrical activity in a television give rise to a primitive form of consciousness? To give an extreme example: does your television scream out a cry of existential angst every time you turn it on, only to disappear a second later? Reality just seems to get more and more bizarre. Here's a link to the article if you're interested.

1 comment:

  1. Those are not silly questions, they are excellent awe-inspiring questions. :-)
